Watch Serial Number Database
The remaining four digits of the serial number indicate the production number for the watch. If your last for digits are 0000 then you have the first watch made for that model reference number. Returning to our examples and using the second digit from the serial number we get the following production dates. Cara mengubah foto ke pdf dengan hp.
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Watch Serial Number Database
Seiko Watch Corporation has been designing and manufacturing quality watches since 1881. Each Seiko watch has a unique serial number that can be used to identify the specific series, model and year of the watch. Because Seiko produces a variety of designs, styles and brands, the serial number becomes the main identification tag for each product. Although the serial number may be difficult to see unless you use a light and a magnifying glass, deciphering the model number will help you identify a genuine Seiko watch.
Illinois Pocket Watch Serial Number Database
Saint seiya omega watch online. Luxury watches come with a variety of numbers associated with them on the paperwork, case back, chronometer certificate etc., but which numbers are really significant? We are often afraid of giving the serial number away because of the growing replica market that has been taking these numbers and using them in a disingenuous way. However, without knowing it, many people mistake the watch serial number as the watch model number. For example, it is a common mistake on Cartier watches to blur out the case number instead of the watch serial number on online eBay listings.